Line Sandstedt
Lector in science
I am a lector in science and a postgraduate in special needs education and coaching.
I have worked with the Norwegian Center of Anthrozoology since 2006. Before that I worked in education. I have owned and trained dogs since 1980. I have worked as a dog instructor since 1990 both in Norway and abroad. The last 16 years I have both been education AAI-teams and screening dogs personality for AAI. I have also work with my dogs in education and in therapy. I have worked with horses both in Norway and in Great Britain. And my grand parents, whom I spent a lot of time with as I child had a farm. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Norwegian University of Life SciencesDeveloped the study “Introduction course for animal-assisted interventions” and “Animal-assisted interventions with Dogs” Prepared lectures and structure of the course, managing the course, lecturer, supervisor and censor student assignments 2008 – Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences – Lectures and exercises in various subjects. Prepared and held various lectures and exercises about dog / cat subjects