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Innovation animal-human communication and documentation in AAI

Innovation animal-human communication and documentation in AAI

With Eva Bertilsson

The webinar was held on 15. April 2021


The webinar consists of

30 min lectures and

30 min with questions to the lecturer from participants


Animal-human communication

Eva Bertilsson

Eva Bertilsson has a master’s degree in behavior analysis and a passion for all things related to behavior, learning and animal welfare. As an educator and behavior consultant in a wide variety of settings and species (including humans), she specializes in contextual understanding to help teams and individuals thrive.

Eva is a board member of the Swedish Association for Behavior Analysis, a faculty member of Clicker Expo, and an avid disseminator of behavioral science with the individuals’ wellbeing in focus. In addition to her own teaching, she has also been instrumental in introducing Fear Free™ and TAGteach ™ to the Scandinavian audience, and is the host or the yearly CCC conference on Choice Control and Communication.

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